Following the conclusion of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations takes place in a peaceful and technologically advanced Konohagakure, largely due to the efforts of the Allied Shinobi Forces and the leadership of the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. The once-traditional village has transformed into a modern metropolis, where the life of a shinobi has also evolved. Under Naruto’s guidance, a new generation of ninjas is training to uphold the legacy of their predecessors.
At the center of this new era is Boruto Uzumaki, the son of Naruto. Though Boruto shares some of his father’s traits, such as his stubbornness and loud personality, he is a prodigious shinobi with remarkable skills. However, his natural talent has led to arrogance, and his desire to surpass his father has strained their relationship, especially as Naruto’s duties as Hokage keep him constantly busy. Boruto feels overshadowed by his father’s legacy and struggles with living up to the high expectations placed upon him.
Despite these personal challenges, a new adventure begins for Boruto and his friends, as they encounter both new allies and old faces. But lurking beneath the surface is a mysterious and dangerous force, threatening the peace of the village and Boruto’s carefree life. This marks the start of Boruto’s journey, where he must face both personal and external challenges as he steps out of his father’s shadow and forges his own path.