Baki follows the story of teenage fighter Baki Hanma, who dreams of becoming the strongest martial artist and earning a place among the elite warriors who fight in the underground Kourakuen arena beneath the legendary Tokyo Dome. In this brutal arena, fighters from all martial disciplines face off with no weapons and no rewards, battling only for their pride and the chance to etch their name into history.
Baki, having endured years of harsh training and suffering, has developed a unique and deadly fighting style. His ultimate goal is to surpass his father, Yuujirou Hanma, a man feared worldwide and known as the “Ogre.” Yuujirou’s violent nature and monstrous strength have left Baki traumatized and filled with hatred, driving him to become as strong as possible to one day defeat his father.
As Baki battles some of the most fearsome fighters in the world, from martial artists to hardened criminals, he faces both victory and defeat, pushing his limits to the extreme. His journey is fueled by his desire for revenge and the need to prove himself against the unbeatable force that is Yuujirou Hanma. But the question remains: will Baki ever gain enough strength to stand up to his terrifying father?