Dragon Ball begins with Gokuu Son, a young boy with extraordinary strength who lives alone in the woods. His solitary life changes when he meets Bulma, a girl on a quest to find the mystical Dragon Balls—seven magical orbs that, when gathered, summon a dragon capable of granting any wish. Bulma, wanting to wish for a perfect boyfriend, discovers that Gokuu possesses one of these Dragon Balls, but he refuses to give it up. In exchange for allowing her to borrow its power, Gokuu agrees to accompany her on her adventure.
As they journey together, they encounter a variety of characters, including the wise Muten-Roshi and Kuririn, a young boy who becomes Gokuu’s training partner. Gokuu begins training to compete in the World Martial Arts Tournament, where he hones his skills and grows stronger. However, their journey isn’t without danger. Others seek the Dragon Balls for more nefarious purposes, and Gokuu and his friends must use their newfound strength to protect the Dragon Balls and defend the innocent from those who would misuse their power. Along the way, they face formidable foes, grow stronger, and learn the true meaning of courage and friendship.