Attack on Titan is set in a world where humanity has been driven to the brink of extinction by monstrous, humanoid creatures known as Titans. These enormous beings devour humans not out of hunger, but seemingly for pleasure, forcing the remaining population to retreat behind massive, concentric walls for protection. For a century, the walls provide safety, with no Titan breaches, giving the illusion of peace. However, this calm is violently shattered when a colossal Titan breaks through the outermost wall, plunging humanity back into a fight for survival.
The story follows Eren Yeager, who, after witnessing the devastating loss of his mother during the Titan invasion, vows to eradicate every last Titan. He enlists in the Survey Corps, an elite military unit tasked with venturing beyond the walls to combat the Titans. Eren is joined by his adopted sister, Mikasa Ackerman, and his childhood friend, Armin Arlert, as they undergo grueling training and engage in brutal battles against the man-eating giants. Together, they face the horrors of war, and as they uncover dark secrets about the Titans, they race against time to prevent humanity’s complete annihilation.